Package details
All these protocols are virtualized with HTTP
comunication, this means that you can connect
with a real POP3 server that get all your commands
and call a remote HTTP server, get the information
you need and transform it in valid POP3 reply.
These tecnique is expanded to all the protocol
emulated by HTML2POP3
1) virtualize some HTTP Webmail giving
a real POP3 interface
2) offer a POP3 tunneling to any real POP3 server
3) Support RSS to POP3 automatic conversion
1) offer a SMTP tunneling to any real SMTP server
1) Emulate a NNTP server using google newsgroup
All server are plugin based, for extend in an easy
way the functionalities
of the program
All the program is open source, and java written.
Opensource server side component are written in php
This package has no releases.